Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Did you know... that "labor" for Installation and Dismantling (I&D) of your exhibit DOES NOT have to come from the show's General Contractor goon-pool, or your exhibit house that simply buys it from a 3rd party, marks up the cost an average of 29% (Per Exhibitor Magazine), and passes the markup on to you?

That's right! Now you can go-direct and "un-bundle" these services from traditional suppliers and save as much as 40-60% on your trade show services cost.

The key is to know HOW to get it done, WHEN to order it, and WHO the experts are that do it the best.

Give me a call at 630-642-6500 if you need the name of an I&D company that can save your company a fortune -- and make you a hero. Or, I'll manage the entire process for you, so all you have to do is SHOW up.

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