Friday, December 12, 2008

To win the race to SALES, today, MARKETING needs to get in the LEAD

ROI. Trade show ROI. Exhibiting ROI is all I heard about this past week at the IAEE conference in Miami. Everyone seems to be missing the point that the ONLY place ROI can come from, after a trade show, is from the "leads" that are generated at the show, that everyone seems to agree are NOT being properly followed up.

Therefore, nipping the problem of poor lead follow-up in the bud (at the lead fulfillment stage) is where the solution to the problem lies, and that's what marketers and exhibitors are taught in an exclusive workshop at that is conducted inside of companies and teaches a DIY (Do It Yourself) solution to the pervasive problem of poor lead follow-up.

What's YOUR biggest problem related to delivering ROI from trade shows, to prove ROI to YOUR management and protect your budget and trade show lifestyle?

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