Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Trade shows are seemingly GOING... where trade publications WENT.

Is there anyone other than me that's old enough to compare what's happening to trade shows today, with what happened to trade publications in the past decade?

It's even spooky to look at the comparisons.

Trade Show = Publication
Show organizer = Publisher
Booths = Pages
Unions = Ad Agencies
Exhibit Manager = Ad Manager

Consider what happened to trade publications during the past decade. As readers began to find other ways to communicate with advertisers besides circling a reader service card (RSC) and waiting weeks to be contacted by the advertiser's sales force (if they ever were), they began using the Internet to ACQUIRE information about the advertised product, long before they picked up the phone to INQUIRE. Then, advertisers did a poor job measuring where the phone calls (leads) were coming from and lost track of any way to measure advertising ROI. The result? Look at the thickness of trade publications today.

LQQK what's happening today in the trade show world.

Show organizers are wayyy too focused on square-footage sales, general contractor's service costs are skyrocketing, exhibit houses are increasing pricing within their "bundles" and exhibitors (that can't prove ROI) are being forced to find other ways to SHOW their products and services. The result? Look down the aisles at the next trade show you attend.

Enter 2009... and the INTERACTIVE VIRTUAL WORLD for exhibiting and individual company events, and check back here soon for a "peek" at what this writer has found to be an upcoming trend to turn yesterday's SHOW n TELL into... SHOW n SELL.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Show management says "The show must go on." Exhibitor management says "The show must go." WTF? (What's The Formula - for success)

The Forumla for success is Education. Exhibitors need education.

Exhibitors + Education = ROI

Last week at the IAEE conference, in Miami, everything but smoke signals, a blimp, sky writing and air-raid sirens were SCREAMING that exhibitors need "Measurement Metrics" to prove the ROI from shows to their management.

Yesterday, I was a guest speaker at Steve Miller's telesummit Webinar, and after my presentation on an industry proven way to get 100% lead follow-up after a show, I displayed my e-mail address in my Power Point presentation and got 17 e-mails from listeners/attendees asking for more information. HELLO!!! ??? Is anyone listening or connecting the dots in that action?

FACT - Less than 20% of leads get follow-ed up after a show. Everybody's heard that. Everybody knows it. But it's the 800# Gorilla in the living room that no one wants to admit is there, while exhibitors simply want to LEARN how to get rid of it without their management knowing. And they can by getting all of their leads followed-up after the show.

In my worldwide business travel, educating exhibitors, I see the disconnect between exhibitor companies' marketing department lead "generation", and their sales department's lack of lead "follow-up." (Which BTW is for good reason.)

Having recently joined the IAEE, I now see a similar disconnect between show management's focus on trade show "activity" and exhibitors focus on need for measurable "results." WTF?

In my fact based opinion, the formula for success and solution to both problems is relatively simple and goes wayyy beyond emerging social media, or the proliferation of sophisticated and expensive CRM software. Because social media or software doesn't "follow-up" leads after a show... people do! And the easier show management and exhibitors can make it to improve lead follow-up, the easier it will be for exhibitors to measure and prove show ROI based on "results" and not "activity."

Some more dots to connect... It's the "activity" of trade shows that costs money. It's the "results" that make money.

One show organizer in the IAEE conference last week stated... "We advertise exhibitor education and no one signs up." Again in my opinion, there is a "perfectly" logical reason why they don't, but unfortunately I have to catch a plane now and can't elaborate. But if you follow this blog, or contact me, I'll be glad to tell you, if you agree to stop feeding that damn Gorilla.

Therrrrrrre's no business like show business..........

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Did you know... that "labor" for Installation and Dismantling (I&D) of your exhibit DOES NOT have to come from the show's General Contractor goon-pool, or your exhibit house that simply buys it from a 3rd party, marks up the cost an average of 29% (Per Exhibitor Magazine), and passes the markup on to you?

That's right! Now you can go-direct and "un-bundle" these services from traditional suppliers and save as much as 40-60% on your trade show services cost.

The key is to know HOW to get it done, WHEN to order it, and WHO the experts are that do it the best.

Give me a call at 630-642-6500 if you need the name of an I&D company that can save your company a fortune -- and make you a hero. Or, I'll manage the entire process for you, so all you have to do is SHOW up.

Exhibitor Show in Las Vegas -- BET on it!

If you have never heard of it, the Exhibitor Show is the trade show... for trade shows. Whoda thunk it?

Held again this year in Las Vegas, it's a MUST ATTEND if your responsibility has ANYthing to do with trade show exhibiting. Check it out at www.exhibitoronline.com

I'll be moderating a panel on the subject of trade show leads, and speaking again at their conference for the 14th year. The title of my presentation this year is "Trade show leads... STOP counting... START closing" in which I will be sharing "secrets" of an industry proven process of post-show lead responce management that assures 100% lead follow-up and positive trade show ROI.

In fact, American Airlines named the process I will be demonstrating a "Best Practice" in trade show marketing as it relates to post-show lead management.

I'm ON from 10:00am - 11:30am Thursday March 26, 2009. So get to Vegas. Don't GAMBLE with your trade show profession. STACK your DECK with the knowledge of an industry proven process you can BET will advance your profession.

Texas Library Association - BOOK it!

On March 31st, 2009 I'll again be conducting my Power-Hour exhibitor educational session at the Texas Library Association (TLA) conference in Houston.

If you're exhibiting in the show, be sure to stop by the exhibitor's lounge at 12:00 noon for some pre-show, during-show, and post-show tips-N-tricks aimed at generating a measureable ROI.

I also write articles for their exhibitors and provide an afternoon of FREE one-on-one consulting to those that want to maximize their exhibiting presence and BOOK biz.

Friday, December 12, 2008

To win the race to SALES, today, MARKETING needs to get in the LEAD

ROI. Trade show ROI. Exhibiting ROI is all I heard about this past week at the IAEE conference in Miami. Everyone seems to be missing the point that the ONLY place ROI can come from, after a trade show, is from the "leads" that are generated at the show, that everyone seems to agree are NOT being properly followed up.

Therefore, nipping the problem of poor lead follow-up in the bud (at the lead fulfillment stage) is where the solution to the problem lies, and that's what marketers and exhibitors are taught in an exclusive workshop at www.richarderschik.com that is conducted inside of companies and teaches a DIY (Do It Yourself) solution to the pervasive problem of poor lead follow-up.

What's YOUR biggest problem related to delivering ROI from trade shows, to prove ROI to YOUR management and protect your budget and trade show lifestyle?